Immanuel Lutheran is the vibrant and visionary school in central Connecticut.   The school provides an innovative, integrated curriculum designed to educate and empower the next generation of Christian adults.  Rigorous coursework challenges every student in the context of their own interests.  A caring school community supports students’ dreams and encourages the development of talents and gifts.  The focus on Christian values allows students to learn, work, play and live with confidence in their faith.  Immanuel Lutheran School students graduate with a strong dedication to academic excellence and a strong personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  


Immanuel Lutheran School’s Pre-Kindergarten curriculum is thoughtfully designed to meet each child at his or her individual level. It guides our students through the full spectrum of early childhood development using brain-based research and developmentally appropriate strategies. Creative Curriculum is used as a guide and method of assessment to determine student growth. Movement breaks are frequent in the PK classrooms. Our youngest students learn through play and activities that promote learning and social interaction.  PK children learn their letters and how to form them. They learn each letters’ name and sound.  They begin to string sounds together to make words.  Number sense is also addressed in the PK curriculum. Fun daily activities such as calendar, a variety of artwork, table activities, and games help children with counting and number sense. Our PK classrooms are lively and engaging.

In addition to early literacy and math skills, Pre-Kindergarten children have the opportunity to explore basic science concepts. Social studies topics are integrated into literacy activities, centers, and stories read to the class. Pre-K children also participate in Pre-Chapel weekly, which is led by Pastor Karner in the sanctuary.  Music, PE, Art, and Library are all scheduled parts of the Pre-Kindergarten week. 

Elementary Language Arts K-5

Immanuel Lutheran School’s Language Arts curriculum focuses on building and refining skills in reading, writing, speaking and listening. We strive to inspire and guide students to become creative and critical thinkers, independent learners, effective communicators, and lovers of their favorite genre. Our students read to learn and read for pleasure. The curriculum is designed to develop students’ ability to utilize grammar, usage and mechanics effectively, to read with stamina and enthusiasm, to discriminate and question; and to engage students in exploration. Lively discussions, public speaking, research, writing, and collaborative group assignments prepare students for high school and beyond.

Middle School Language Arts 6-8

Middle School Language Arts is taught in a technology-rich environment.  Reading, writing and communication skills are perfected through project-based learning.  The Christian perspective is clearly emphasized through reading content and the construct and content of written pieces.  In addition to becoming avid readers, students spend time utilizing research skills and are able to share their findings and discoveries through accurate oral presentations and publishable written pieces.

Elementary Mathematics K-5
Our student mathematicians investigate challenging questions that reflect real-world multifaceted problems. Our mathematics program emphasizes procedural fluency, conceptual understanding, problem-solving strategies and methods of reasoning as equally essential aspects of mathematical proficiency. Realistic and complex problems are woven throughout our curriculum, challenging each student to advance to new levels of mathematical sophistication. Students experience mathematics as a subject that involves a diverse array of thinking skills.
Middle School Mathematics 6-8
Students in grades 6-8 are scheduled into math classes that challenge and prepare them for the next level. Offerings include Grade 6 Math, Grade 7 Math, Grade 8 Math, Pre-Algebra, Algebra I, and Geometry. Every student is in a math class that makes sense for their individual readiness and skill level. Students who excel in math are offered higher math levels regardless of age or grade level.
Science K-8
Immanuel Lutheran School’s student scientists are independent, confident and scientifically informed. The curriculum encourages deep and thorough investigation of scientific principles. Students are encouraged to question their world and apply critical thinking skills to solve real-world interdisciplinary problems. Immanuel Lutheran students are able to confidently communicate their values and defend their hypothesis with research and data collection.
Social Studies K-8

Through an interdisciplinary lens, Immanuel Lutheran School’s student historians make sense of the past, examine contemporary issues, and develop valuable leadership skills. Students are encouraged to envision and continuously reassess their roles as citizens and leaders. This history of human societies is examined through multiple perspectives. This critical look at the humanity and its major patterns not only creates excitement about the study of history and its related subjects, but also assists in expanding our students’ analytical-thinking skills.  Students are able to construct knowledge through research and investigation.  At the middle school level World Civilizations finds evidence in the Bible on topics of ancient cultures and civilizations.  Students keep interactive notebooks and work on both group and individual projects throughout the school year.

Health K-8
Foundations in Health and Wellness is an innovative and collaborative program that emphasizes a comprehensive understanding of health and wellness related issues that affect the physical and psycho-social development. The course encourages and supports students in their journey to develop critical thinking skills and self-reflection in a manner that fosters self-advocacy and informed decision-making. Through differentiated instruction, interdisciplinary learning and student-centered teaching approaches, students participate in class discussions, small group activities and role plays. At each tier of the program, students are encouraged to develop and enhance their innate leadership capacities and voice.
General Music K-8
Every Immanuel Lutheran School student is actively engaged in music through our general music classes. We are dedicated to providing our students with general music study as well as a wide range of instrumental and choral performance opportunities. Our young musicians compose, create, and perform original pieces in General Music classes. They study a variety of music genres and composers, such as Johan Sabastian Bach, a most well-known Lutheran. Our curriculum prepares students for further music study. It also fosters a lifelong appreciation and enjoyment of music.
Instrumental Music 2-8
The Instrumental Music Program begins in Grade 2 at Immanuel Lutheran School. Students are able to select an instrument of interest and work with our music teacher before and after school to master their craft. Selections may include wind, percussion, or string instruments. Students build skills and confidence through collaborative group experiences, solo, or small group ensembles. Instrumental students are eligible to participate in Northern Regionals. They are also frequently invited to perform in church.
Vocal Music

The Immanuel Lutheran School Vocal Music Program is known for beautiful performances that deliver an important message. The student body sings several times each year in our church services.  Their sweet voices touch all who hear them.  Immanuel Lutheran School’s Chorus has been invited to sing with the Bristol Brass and Wind, an honor rarely given to children’s groups. They also have sung at a local sporting events and opened for the New Britain Bees.  Immanuel students participate in Northern Regional Competitions and are regular members of the Connecticut Junior Honors Chorus.

Bells 4-8

“Bells” is a weekly special at Immanuel.  The Bell Choirs are divided into special music ensembles for upper elementary and middle school students. Under the direction of an accomplished director, Vern Koch, the students perform complex 12-part compositions that wow audiences in chapel services and special events. They are truly amazing to hear and see!  Bells begin in grade 4.  Mr. Koch uses chimes with younger groups of students.

Visual Art K-8
Visual Art provides a program that offers students an opportunity to build skills, express ideas and to become visually literate and aesthetically aware. Our curriculum focuses on cultivating an understanding of design, the development of both traditional and technology-based artistic skills, and stimulation of visual and creative thinking. Our art curriculum will continue to offer drawing, painting, printmaking and sculpture, but this year we are adding technology-based graphic design.
World Languages

Students will learn a new language of their choosing in a blended format. This combines online learning with real-world experiences. We learn language first by hearing it and listening for understanding, then attempting to speak and be understood. With phonemic and grammatical concepts already known in English at the middle school level, reading and writing a newly spoken language is expedited. A second language is an essential element of an excellent 21st-century education. The course content includes the study different global perspectives and cultures. Our new World Language offering meets the World Readiness Standards for Learning Languages, which include communication, cultures, connections, comparisons and communities.

Physical Education K-8
The goal of physical education at Immanuel Lutheran School is to develop physically-educated individuals who have the knowledge, skills and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of healthful physical activity. It provides students with the skills and knowledge they need to establish and sustain physical activity as a key component of their lifestyle throughout their lifetime. The ILS physical education curriculum provides students with essential skills and knowledge through a broad and thorough curriculum that is sequential, innovative and age appropriate. Our curriculum meets the standards and guidelines as described by the, Society of Health and Physical Educators.
Technology Integration K-8

Technology is used throughout the curriculum in nearly every content area. Interactive whiteboards are used in all classrooms, PK-8.  Individual devices for student use are available in classrooms as well. As the building is Wi-Fi enabled, iPads and Chromebooks are used regularly for instructional purposes.  Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 1 students utilize iPads in classroom learning centers, while Grades 2 and up use Chromebooks in a 1:1 classroom setting.  G-Suite and Google Classroom tools are used and allow students to connect to assignments.  The devices also give them access to collaboration opportunities with classmates and their teachers.  These tools allow students to have access to research, personal digital file storage for their digital portfolios.

The Library

The Library enhances the curriculum and serves all students and their teachers from Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 8. Students come to the library once a week for a scheduled class and to check out books and enjoy browsing through periodicals. The library is also used throughout the year to complete research projects and as a venue for special school events such as guest speakers or authors.  The library offerings encourage and inspire students to read for knowledge and for pleasure. During library time, younger students listen to and participate in story times and learn library skills. Older students refine library and research techniques. The library is staffed by volunteers who work with classroom teachers to create integrated lessons that enrich and deepen classroom curriculum.

The library provides an environment conducive to individual study, while providing additional space for small group work and tutoring. In addition to its information resources, the library maintains collections in a variety of genres for both Elementary and Middle School students, as well as a selection of periodicals for recreational reading and browsing.  While real books in hand are available, E-readers are available for Middle School students and tablet downloads full of picture books are available for our younger students.